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About Me

Im a sophmore in highschool & i just turned 16. I like in one small hick town[p.s. not Chicago] Im in track. Im pretty shy. There is only one person in this world who i [hate]! Im not popular but people dont hate me. I have a few really close friends. School is [not pointless but] extremly boring. I get my lisense soon, so i can actualy go places.
Name Christina/Chrissy
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Chicago, IL
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status Single
Interests guys, track, shopping, partys, friends, the computer, more guys, my phone, and messing around
Music pretty much everything


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Registered Nov 26, 2007
Last update Dec 15, 2007

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vintage/cute? Track pic=] glasses=]


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